Monday, March 3, 2008

Ice-fishing on Lake Simcoe

First Trip Out on Sunday 24 Feb 08

A few members of our hiking group branched out into ice-fishing this winter.

This was our first trip on Sunday 24 Feb 08 and this picture showed our arrival and parking on the lake off Glenvale.

Our arrival at Lake Simcoe off Glenvale:

All ready to set out with toboggan loaded with our gear.

Jean Wong all set to try her luck.

Simmon Cheng ready to go.

Fred was ready too!

We pitched our tents.

Betty Kam inside ice-tent preparing hot lunch (noodles, fish balls and dumplings.)

Hot and delicious lunch.

Close-up view of the ice-tent.

We did not get any bite but our neighbour got a fairly big pike!

A pretty fish for dinner --- too bad it was not ours! Nearby were some people inside a ice-hut, and they caught a whopper pike which they alleged weigh 13 pounds!

At last Fred Li (the only one in our group) got a perch. We thought those pikes might have scared away all the other fishes!

Ah well ....... that's it folks! We packed up for this stay and will come again another day!

Sunday 3 March 2008 Ice-fishing off Jackson Point

Here we are again back on Lake Simcoe on the next Sunday, 2 Mar 08 ---- this time with a new member, Mary, on her first ice-fishing trip in her life! Would she bring us beginner's luck? This time we went out for whitties off Jackson Point in deep waters (40 feet to 60 feet about 2 to 3 Km off-shore.) Fred drove his SUV fearlessly out onto the ice which, fortunately, was very thick (18 to 24 inches thick.)

The "never give up" three amigos again!

Simmon drilling first hole in the ice ---- it was not as strenous as he thought!

A straight line pattern of holes drilled to find fish. Good strategy but ....... alas, to no avail!

How we wished for an underwater camera and/or fish-finder!

Still an empty hole in the ice .......

The vehicle we used to get out there -----Fred's SUV

How other people got out there .......

That is all for now. Maybe next trip out we will have better luck!


P.S. Other activities which we found people engaging in on the ice were:

Ultralite flying, plane taking off on the ice on Lake Simcoe.

Wind Surfing on Snow/Ice

Kite Skiing

More Kite Skiing

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